Roller Ghoster Ride
Roller Ghoster Ride Tags, Control and description

Skateboard, Dog, Ghost, Obstacle, Animal, Skating,
Left / Right Arrow Key - Speed Up / Slow Down.Up Arrow Key - Climbs the Half Pipe.Down Arrow Key - Crouch.Spacebar - Jump / get on the handrail.
Escape the roller ghoster and demonstrate your abilities with the skateboard in the amusement park.
Roller Ghoster Ride Video
About Roller Ghoster Ride
On, you can play free online games with Roller Ghoster Ride online, now, this game have 2403 total plays, have rating 89 good and 0 bad.
We find some of the game: D.E.A.D
, Rufus Snow Ride, , Ben 10 Truck Ride, Roller Blade and Puff's Skate Jam. To play other games, go to the skateboard games, dog games, ghost games, obstacle games or page.