Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R
Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R Tags, Control and description

Skateboard, Chasing Game, Funny,
Use right arrow key to accelerate.Use left arrow key to slow down.Use space bar to jump over the humps.
When Gus tries to catch that bus, it's no game. But just like in Gus vs. Bus, can he skate fast enough and still make it over all of the obstacles to get it?
Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R Video
About Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R
On, you can play free online games with Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R online, now, this game have 2213 total plays, have rating 81 good and 0 bad.
We find some of the game:
, Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R, , World Basketball Championship, Side Kick 2007 and Forrest Challenge 2. To play other games, go to the skateboard games, chasing game games, funny games, skating games or page.